Hey mom! Yeah the Gutman's are great. They had all the missionaries in the branch come over and also the zone leaders. We have 3 sets of missionaries in the branch! It's crazy! It's a small branch, not many people attend, I think we had like 40ish this week. And then we all attend the YSA branch afterwards as well, it's not mandatory, but we can if we want / have an investigator. Laredo is struggling quite a lot with members of the church. We have plenty of less active families though. We are trying to work on it. I like to just talk to people about where they are in life at the moment and help them realize what could change, it seems not a lot of missionaries do that here.
Guess what, ELDER HOLLAND CAME TO OUR MISSION YESTERDAY!!!!!!!!! It was soooo cooolll!! He is hilarious. Like honestly I laughed so hard for like the first 10 minutes he spoke. I think it was because we were all so nervous, and when he said anything remotely funny, we all died. Guess what, I'm for sure worthy, haha he shook everyones hand when we walked in and had us say our name and where we're from, and he said that when he does so, he looks into our eyes and can see if we are worthy to be out. He said that is how they do interviews as apostles. It was terrifying haha, I kept thinking to myself, "Is there anything I need to repent of?"
He was very impressed with our mission, he said that most of the missions he visits he has to talk about obedience and the basics but he talked with us about the spirit and the importance of it and how we can better use it. It was crazy how incredibly strong the spirit was in that room, full of missionaries, a former mission president and his wife, our current mission president and his wife, a General Seventy and a member of the twelve. Lindsey Robins also came and spoke.
It was mind blowing, not that they gave us the key to life or anything, he just had such animo about the gospel and how important missions are. I love that man, he is awesome.
My new companion is Elder Gonzalez, he is on his 5th transfer. But no, he is not a native spanish speaker. His mom is Peruvian so he understands pretty much everything but not a perfect speaker. He does have good spanish for how old he is in the mission. He is super cool, I was worried that I was going to get a weird companion but I didnt, he did though.
Laredo is pretty hot, but all of Southern Texas is, apparently it gets up towards 115 or so sometimes, should be an interesting summer. I'll drink plenty of water, cant be turning into Samson, getting dehydrated and almost dying in the battlefield.
I love you a ton and hope you guys continue to have fun and keep busy, you're good at staying busy :). I will talk with you guys soon for mothers day!

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