Hey mom! I won't get a calling in this branch, the branch is pretty strong, we have about 100 members pretty regularly. We lack about 4 Melchizedek Priesthood holders and more tithes to become a ward. The branch is really strong though, and we have some great members, one that likes to help us out a lot, although his phone only works if he has wifi so it's super frustrating trying to get ahold of him. Melchizedek priesthood is a struggle valley wide and I imagine world wide. Men are always hard heads. Especially down here, they are "machismo" which I think just translates to macho, like they think that they know everything and accepting a new point of view would be looked at as a weakness. Also they get mad at us for talking with their wives/girlfriends. It's great.
This week all the missionaries are going to speak in sacrament meeting, I will be speaking on true conversion. I'm pretty excited because it's one of those things I didn't really learn about until I was on my mission, the difference between a testimony and be converted to a principle. There are so many things that are super basic but I didn't learn until my mission. It's super weird to think about. I didn't know what the 10 commandments were, like I knew, but I could tell you all of them. Little stuff like that.
This area is pretty great, it still touches the border so we still get to speak spanish with people, but we really don't have any ghetto parts of our area where I would feel uncomfortable. And like always, the people here all have a religious background, I have met like 2 people who didn't already believe in Jesus Christ.
Unfortunately the area isn't a car area, we actually are not a complete bike area though. We share a car with another area, we get it 3 days a week, Mon, Wed, and Sat. That's pretty nice, it's a ford focus, like 2013 I think. The only thing that's bad about it is that the computer system in it is super confusing and isn't like user friendly, it takes forever to listen to the hymnyou want to on your USB. But aparte de eso, todo esta bien.
We had one of the best Saturdays that I've had in my mission, preparing investigators for church the next day. We visited everybody and they were all going to come to church and we were excited. We taught the Restoration to a young family and it was probably the best Restoration lesson I've had so far in my mission. Of course in english haha. Everything made sense, they completely understood it, it helped them to realize that there is only one true church, and were willing to pray and investigate to find it. To top it off they fed us pizza before hand. And then... they didn't come to church because their kids got sick. And nobody else came to church either, who knows why. But we had a miracle investigator come to church, one of our young women, invited a friend and he came, so there was a tender mercy. Why would I ever expect a completely fulfilling Sunday as a missionary? Haha but that is ok, because.. DAVID ARCHULETA CAME TO OUR CHURCH! I know right? Super weird, he knows one of the families here and came to visit the other ward. Guess what else, half of our young women skipped class and went to the other ward's sacrament meeting to be in the same room as him haha. We got to say hi to him afterwards, he is super short! I remember he came to the CCM about a year ago when we were there and I saw him down the hallway with a bunch of people, but up close, it's a different level. I think he's like 5'5 or something. And our mission president came to visit that ward also, but who cares about that.. haha just kidding I was more excited about seeing him that David honestly.
I don't really think that I need anything.. I tried on one of the shirts you sent me haha. They are classic fits so they're super baggy and the collar doesn't have enough space for a knot for a tie. The points go like straight down, not to the side like a normal tie. I don't know if that makes sense. But yeah.. I probably will never wear them haha. I'll probably just buy things if I need them, so I can try them on first, it just sucks because I just love spending all the money on my card.
I had a crazy dream last night also. I dreamed that I finished my mission. It was super dumb, I like was home, not doing anything, I remember I just played games on my phone. I woke up and was like what the heck was I doing? And so that kind of scared me, first that my sub conscience is trunky, and that I'm going to do nothing with my life after the mission. So that got me thinking a little bit, and I have no idea what I'm going to do with my life after the mission. Yikes, all the other missionaries have like schools they have scholarships for and all this stuff. It worries me a little bit but I just forget about it. I guess we'll see what happens.
We got a member last week to take us tie digging, just like old times haha. So I got some cool new ties. Honestly it makes me so happy when we go tie digging and I don't know why, after the mission ties will mean just about nothing to me. But that's ok, its fun right now haha.
Thanks for keeping me updated, have a great week! Love you!

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