Hey Mom!
Not a whole lot has happened lately. We had interviews with President Maluenda the other day, Tuesday. It went pretty well, received revelation on some things that we can change or include in our area and in our companionship.
We had a pretty good week. Thank goodness too. None of our investigators were really progressing so we dropped a lot of people and so we didn't have much to work with, so we went door contacting, my least favorite thing to do. It's not that I don't like talking with people at the door or it's too awkward. Just that it is usually pretty unsuccessful. However, we found 8 new investigators in one day. It was pretty cool, it was like everybody that we talked to just wanted to learn about the Gospel. One of them let us in their house without us even asking and gave us cookies and muffins. In the same little cookie containers that Grammie used to use. It was really great.
Then we got up earlier than normal on Sunday to go wake everyone up and it was super cold. So we went by everyones house and only one person answered the door and she was mad at us for waking them up and nobody came to church. It was the first week that we've been here without anybody in church. Which was kind of discouraging but that's ok we can deal with it. we just have to work harder this week.
We went over to a less actives house and she loves my companion because he's from Guatemala and she is from Honduras, so their neighboring countries and have lots of culture in common. She always feeds us a lot and the other day she gave us fireworks and we lit them off in her back yard, it was really fun, I don't know how the neighbors felt about it but it was nice because we didn't on New Year's Eve.
Glad to know everyone is doing really well, hope you guys continue to love Maine! Stay warm, I love you!

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