Happy Easter! Hope your Easter was super fun!
Mine was pretty cool. We had some investigators in church and there was a fast and testimony meeting. Nobody said anything crazy or apostate! What an Easter blessing that is! Then we went to a members house and waited for food for an hour but then we ate and the food was really good and then we had like kind of an Easter egg hunt? So down here they do Easter egg hunts a little bit differently. They crack open eggs on the very end, dump out all the stuff inside, and put confetti and flour and whatever they want inside and then put tissue paper over the hole and then they smash them on each other. They're called cascarones. It's super fun. So everyone runs around and collects as many eggs as they can in their basket and when all of them are gathered, we go to war. It's pretty messy but it's super fun, but takes lots of preparation. Then we went to another member's house, Cyndi's and ate again and had a water fight with the kids while the neighbors played questionable music. There were like 12 missionaries there, we probably looked like weirdos to everyone else in her apartment complex.
Elder Tomasi and I are doing really well, we sing to lots of people with his Ukelele. I don't really mind it, I wish I was a better singer but it brings the spirit really strong into the home wherever we are so I like it. I feel that I am learning a lot from this transfer but I don't really know how to explain it. I feel that God definitively put me in this area so that I could be more patient with people and also to love them more. Almost everybody that we talk with and some of the members say strange things and I always want to just correct them and tell them they are wrong but then Elder Tomasi asks them questions about what they think and figures out why they do certain things so that he can really help them. It's a great opportunity.
Our mission as a whole is doing very poorly, the last two months we haven't even gotten close to our mission goal. This month we hit 30/85 baptisms. That is awful, probably the worst that we've done on my whole mission. I don't know why we are doing so bad, we have good missionaries and leaders but I don't think that our hearts are in the work. As a mission we are working on our love for the people and teaching quality because apparently it is a large problem.
Not much other than that, we found some new ties this morning but I don't think you really care about that haha. Have a great week! I hope you're as excited for General Conference as I am! I love you!

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