Hey Mom! Glad to know that everyone is doing well in church and the diet isn't killing you guys. I don't even know most of what that house stuff means, I don't like how leach field sounds.
This week was pretty cool, I got my new companion on Tuesday, Elder Tomasi, he is super cool. He has a really great attitude about everything, and he is really loving to other people. I have already learned a lot from him about being patient with people and genuinely caring about others, now if I can only apply it more haha.
We had a pretty successful week, we found 19 investigators, I don't really understand how but we did. The standard for the mission a week is 7 per companionship and we found almost 3 times that many haha. We found a few families. It was cool to see all these people willing to learn about the Gospel. It really is a different work here, people are so willing to say yes with their mouth but not with their actions, so that is what we are working on now. Our mission is doing pretty bad lately, we have a mission goal of baptizing 85 converts this month as a mission and we are currently at 14 for the month, and this last sunday we only baptized 1 person. So we are having emergency meetings with our leadership to see what is going on. Pretty crazy stuff, the mission hasn't been in this kind of funk before.
Tomasi and I have made plans to help people be more committed to coming to church and acting. We are trying the 3 way commitment, make the investigators commit to the missionaries, a member and then pray and promise God they'll do it. I have never really tried it in my mission and I'm excited to see how successful it is. We had a meeting with our district to try and figure out some things we need to change and that is one of them, also we are working on having more communication with people. It seems that lots of times it is easy to find investigators, but then they kind of.. disappear. So we are going to try to have more contact with them.
I am interested to hear that the missionaries there are doing the "set a date" also. We have recently started doing it also, the members are pretty excited about it. The thing is, lots of members think that people have to be perfect to suggest them to the missionaries, but in reality the perfect people rarely progress because they aren't humble enough.
The other day I had an interesting experience. We knocked a door of a newly found investigator and his son opened the door, we hadn't met him before though. He only spoke spanish, and he spoke super super fast, the fasted I've heard someone speak. I felt like I had the gift of tongues for real because we just talked with him about how he was doing who he was and everything. He had "Polly <3" written on his arm in pen and I asked him who it was and he said it was a girl that was over from the night before, and said he had been to a party and his parents were out of town so he was crashing at his place. I laughed and then proceeded to explain what missionaries do, not expecting him to be very keen on the idea. And he actually invited us in. We went in the house and sat down on the couch with him and talked to him about his life, he told me he has been having some dark dreams and asked me what they mean. I told him that as we surround our selves with unclean things, we invite darkness into our lives completely and explained how to correct it and changes he needs to make. He was almost crying and told us he isn't truly happy and wants to change but it's just hard. We testified of the enabling power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and I truly saw a change in him. He is leaving for Mexico and then Houston, but we gave him the number to get in touch with missionaries, I hope and pray they find him and help him to change his life. It is amazing what can happen when you love people and don't judge them for their mistakes. I know that this is the only true church on this Earth and only through the power of the priesthood of God we can truly change our hearts. I am so grateful for the sacrifice of my Savior, Jesus Christ and I know he is the one leading and guiding this work, and the church as a whole.
Thanks so much for emailing me, I love you so much, have a great week!

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