Yeah this week wasn't really that crazy. There was 3 day training for all of our leaders and so Elder Johnson went to meetings for about 8 hours every day so we only got to work in our area for like 3 hours a day. It was hard to get much done. But I had fun, I was in a trio with the other Elders in my apartment. A spanish area! It was really fun, I like spanish lessons because I only say what is really important. I almost like double check with the spirit haha. I really like spanish but I dont feel like I've been improving for a little while. It's because everyone in our apartment is really close so we just kinda hang out and talk when we should be studying... Repent haha
Jerry was confirmed yesterday and given the Holy Ghost. He cried, it was kinda shocking to see him cry. He's like a big dude, 6'2" and like 250 and a mechanic from Arkansas so he's all southern. And he walked behind the place where they prepare the sacrament and hid for a few minutes while the meeting went on. It was pretty cool.
Being a missionary on Sundays is super hard. Not only do you have to worry about your investigators coming to church, but you have to worry about the lessons and talks at church. When people go off about something stupid or wrong or whatever I have to fix it! Yesterday we had someone in church for her first time. She wants to change and we told her she'd feel the spirit and like church and everything and she came. Hadn't even taught her the Restoration yet and the Gospel Principles class was about the Millennium. Which was ok, the book keeps it pretty basic and easy. But the members went into super deep doctrine and I was getting pretty ticked. We have a few people who have been members for like 30 years and they still go to that class. After that class she walked out pretty fast, got her kids out of their classes and went straight out the door, and didnt say anything to me. I was super worried. But we visited her afterwards and she said it was just longer that she thought. Then we taught her the Restoration and BOM and I think everything is fine now. .
Not super exciting this week but it was great.
Have a great week Mom, Love you!

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