Hey mom!
Yeah I got the info from the last letter, I am fine with all the changes and everything, I hopefully will be heading off to college soon after I get home anyways so it won't be a deal breaker for me. You guys seems super excited to go back home to Maine though, that's awesome! Dad told me he has been counseled by Uncle Pat to maybe have his own business, he might as well right? He's already putting in all the necessary hours.
The other day we had an exchange, I worked in our area with a different elder from our zone. His name is Elder Packer, I've actually done an exchange with him before, which was cool to have another chance. However I did most of the talking this time, I don't know if he just didn't want to because it's my area or I just didn't notice how quiet he was last time because I was a greeny. But we had a lot of fun. We talked to these two people from Monte Rey, Mexico who were visiting for a little while for a birthday party. They were super cool and they added us on facebook, and we took pictures with us.
We're for some reason struggling to find new investigators as a district this last couple weeks, everybody is in school or has a job or something. Lots of times we have appointments with members after 6 until we go to bed and then the hours before that people aren't really home so it's hard to find them. But I know that there are people that the Lord is preparing, I just have to be more obedient and persistent to find them. I've been reading that book, "the infinite atonement" a little more lately. I'm almost done with it. It's super cool, today I read a part that talks about exaltation, it talks about the potential we all have to become like God, which yeah we all know as members of the church. And it had a part about how much humans change in their lifetime, thinking of a baby and how it turns into a michael angelo or a napoleon, into a great being that changes history in a matter of like 20-30 years. And then thinking of what we could accomplish in eternity! Then as missionaries sometimes we'll just sit and talk about doctrine. Exaltation is like the only option! If we dont reach exaltation, we become really powerful angels that serve other gods forever. That'd be cool to be in the celestial kingdom and all but dang! Missed it by that much! So that is really humbling and motivating for me.
I've studied a lot about inadequacy lately because we have an investigator who feels inadequate and I found a ton of scriptures about it and it really helped me learn a ton too! Honestly one of my favorite times of the day is now the mornings when I can study for investigators.
I'm doing pretty well except my bank card isn't working. I've used it a ton lately though so I'm not sure if that's the reason. I put like $40 worth of things on my mission card that should have gone on my personal one and so I was just going to buy groceries with my home one for a few weeks but today it didnt work so idk what happened. I just bought like compression shorts and razors and some cologne. But yeah i'm not sure if Walmart was just being weird or what.. But that's all
Pretty much if I need anything and I can buy it I probably will, I'll just use my home card. Is that ok with you guys? Cause that's what I've been doing... let me know otherwise haha. But yeah everything is going really well and stuff.
Thank you for writing me! I love you!

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