Wow! So much stuff is happening, for sure if you havent already, watch this conference. They all talk about fervent and sincere prayer. I have honestly been slacking a little bit with my prayers recently and I know that the spirit was telling me to fix that. Not that I wasn't saying them or anything, but I wasn't really listening to the Spirit and setting that time apart for a conversation with my Heavenly Father. I've really noticed a difference when I pray with all my heart and forget about time and everything. I feel the spirit noticeably more. They also talked a ton about repentance in Conference, I really liked how they talked about asking God what more we need to repent of. I hadn't really honestly done that before and as I was praying last night I asked and wow, there is so much I need to change haha.
Today is already a good day, we went tie digging and we got so many nice ties! Which is good because I'm trying to get a lot of nice ones so I can send you guys a Christmas gift or something. Idk what I should get you though. I have a ton of time to think about it though. That means I've almost been out a year!! I'm almost half way! Where does time go? Today when we went digging for ties I did all the talking. Elder Canfield said it's because my spanish is the best. I do feel a lot more confident in my spanish, and I dont feel like my study habits have improved. I need to work harder on that for sure.
Everything in the mission is going super great though, thanks so much for keeping me updated. I know that things are super hard, but with the Gospel, any news that I hear makes me happy. Like great gramma, now she has the opportunity to hear the Gospel again, maybe she'll accept. And whatever trial of money or people or whatever, I ask God what I am to learn of it. The mission really has changed my whole perspective on life. I love it!
So strange that this happened. Just yesterday I was talking with one of our less active members. She has a mother who has Alzheimer's, and she cannot come to church each week because she has to take care of her. She doesn't trust any care taker because they are in it for the money and her mom could get a rash. I shared that I have a relative with Alzheimer's and I remember visiting her with my mom and she didn't remember who she was and how devastating that is. I always think that the mentally sick are very close with God, he wouldn't just leave his children in that situation, scrambled and confused and alone.
There was a talk given by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, and he talked of the power of mothers. How the love that mothers have for their children is as close to God's love for us as we can obtain as mortals. I think it is so amazing, and it kinda stinks because I will never be able to love my kids as much as my wife, haha just kidding. But I just want to again thank you for being such a great mother to me and Scott and Nathan. It is so Christlike, no matter what we do, you love us just the same. And the endless pain and suffering that you put yourself through for our benefit, I cannot repay the Savior for what he did, nor can I repay you, but I hope to do my best to make you proud so that it is all worth it. Keep staying strong, I love you and miss you!

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