So transfers are tomorrow and one of the people in our apartment got called as a district leader (not me, don't be silly). So he had to go down to McAllen for meetings and Elder Canfield, his companion and I went on exchanges. So normally we would study all morning like normal but we had some lady in the ward that wanted help painting some chairs, so we biked down to her house, we got there around 9. It was about a 4 or so mile bike ride over there 1 way. And then she wasn't there for 45mins so we played bball with her little son. Then we painted for an hour and a half. Then we biked all the way back. And we arrived just to find that the other Elders locked the door. We had 2 sets of keys but Elder Madrigal lost his. So we were locked out of the apartment. And the landlord wasn't there, so we biked around for another 20mins just thinking of what to do, looking for a slushy place. Then we stopped at a gas station, bought some drinks and food and the other Elders told us they'd be about another 2 hours at least. So we biked to the church, hoping there would be some people there because when we biked by before people were playing basketball. Biked about 3 miles to the church and nobody was there, called the sisters and they drove over and unlocked the church for us. I thought we were going to die haha. I had beads of sweat dripping from my forearms. I've definitely never sweat this much in my life. We eventually got home at about 2 pm. So I probably biked about 15-20 miles that day. Fun stuff :P
But yeah, hopefully I don't get transferred. This transfer was another really fun one. I haven't had a bad one yet. I don't know how people don't enjoy their missions, they're great! We teach people how to be happy, see and perform miracles and hang out with other missionaries. And you grow a ton, and not to mention you get pretty humbled. This transfer, we made zone shirts. They are digital camouflage and they're purple. They have Hidalgo on the front, which our leader wrote in Graffiti style, and then we have out nicknames on the back. My nickname is, "S.W.A.T." because I swat everybody when we play basketball. Sports just get even more fun on the mission haha. We've been playing volleyball in the mornings, well on Mon, Wed, and Fri. And we have all gotten pretty good at volleyball. I'll have to send you the picture of our shirts next week.
So it wasn't really this week, but we visited this member and everybody calls their house, "the Temple". It is this hugggee house and all of it is white. The inside is super clean and modern and they have a baby grand piano that's white. And this pool outside that is super cool looking, and then they have a river right behind their house, its so sweet. Anyway that is the front look of it, the door is huge too.
Tons of work getting done and having a lot of fun, thanks for all your support! Have you found those books?
Talk to you next week! Love you!

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