Hey Mom!
That looks super fun! [ Mom and Dad went to Estes Park,CO ] I wish I could go to the mountains! But I guess that's the really nice part about Texas, I don't even have to bike up hills. Which would stink because I would probably die.
My area is no longer one of the biggest bike areas! They split our area and brought in a pair of Sister missionaries. Have you ever seen Sisters on bikes? Me neither, but they are! Super weird, I have no idea how they do it in skirts. We lost a few awesome members, because they took that part of our area but it's nice not having to bike as far as we did.
Elder Madrigal did get transferred, he is now a Zone Leader in Sinton! So basically where I was at the beginning. He wasn't too excited about it but it's his last transfer before he goes home so I think he'll be fine. I just hope he doesn't stop working and just think about home and college and all that.
My new companion is Elder Lindsay. He is super cool, I like him a ton already. We get along great and he is a really great missionary. He has about a year in the mission, better Spanish than me, of course. He has a really great vision for our district and knows how to work with the ward and everything so I'm excited. I hope we can accomplish a lot and that I can learn a lot from him.
Yeah I really enjoy studying the scriptures, in all of our district meetings we always have a little training by our district leader and he uses some scripture story and relates it to us. One of the trainings was on sacrifice. We read Genesis 22 I think it was? When Abraham is commanded to sacrifice Isaac. It is really cool to read about his life and then how he was asked to sacrifice his only son, who he had been asking for for years and years. Makes me realize the little things I've been asked to sacrifice, like worldy things and desires for 2 years, to serve the Lord. I know that by making these little sacrifices, the Lord will give me even bigger ones in the future, but I will reap greater and greater blessings as I am faithful.
We went to the zoo again the other day, Bro Daniel hosted a 4th of July party up at his house. We got some investigators to come, and now that they've seen that place they have to get baptized, right?
Yeah I really enjoy studying the scriptures, in all of our district meetings we always have a little training by our district leader and he uses some scripture story and relates it to us. One of the trainings was on sacrifice. We read Genesis 22 I think it was? When Abraham is commanded to sacrifice Isaac. It is really cool to read about his life and then how he was asked to sacrifice his only son, who he had been asking for for years and years. Makes me realize the little things I've been asked to sacrifice, like worldy things and desires for 2 years, to serve the Lord. I know that by making these little sacrifices, the Lord will give me even bigger ones in the future, but I will reap greater and greater blessings as I am faithful.
We went to the zoo again the other day, Bro Daniel hosted a 4th of July party up at his house. We got some investigators to come, and now that they've seen that place they have to get baptized, right?
We also have figured out that we have a lot of members that don't really do anything all day and so we are working on making a teamup schedule so we can always have a member with us and then we wont have to bike hardly at all.
We have interviews with the president this Friday! I'm really excited, he'll tell me all the things I suck at. Haha but seriously it's really great, I love it when people tell me what I'm doing wrong, then I can work on it. Sometimes I just don't notice stuff.
Hope you guys can top last week! Haha I love you mom! Bye!

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