This week was pretty normal, until the weekend. Saturday I went on an exchange with the Spanish area Elder. But not the Elder that has been on his mission for a while, I went with a greenie, so neither of us know Spanish very well. It was pretty interesting and awkward but other than that it went alright, we get along really well so we had a lot of fun.
Sunday was a crazy day. We do all of our studies in the mornings on Sunday because church isn't until 1. So we have been trying to get this family to church for about 5 weeks now and they finally came yesterday, but it was like pulling teeth. We called and called and they told us they'd be there and then didn't show up for the first hour of church. Which the classes are backwards in this ward, its Young womens and mens and all that first and then Sunday school and then Sacrament. And so they missed the first hour and we called and they said they were waiting for their mom to get out of work but they should be there soon. So my companion and I decided to take charge and we got a member, actually our stake president to drive us to their house. They were all still in their PJ's. Only ones that were ready were little children. Ages 8, 6 and 4. So, we took the kids to church and the older ones said they'd catch up. It took them the entire next hour to get to church, they got there right before the passing of the Sacrament. It was really strange that they didn't hurry up more than that. Also I had to sit with 3 very restless children for 15mins in Sacrament and I had no idea what to do, laugh if you want. :P
Then after Sunday we went to go talk to a potential investigator. We biked up to their apartment building, and you have to go into the middle of the structure because all the doors and stuff are in the middle so you cant see it from just driving by. And we heard this super loud heavy metal music. And so we walked up there and the guy was there with his little kids just sitting outside and their neighbor was pretty heavily inebriated and head banging and playing the air drums and the air guitar. And we talked to him for a little while, and the whole time the drunk guy was looking at us and throwing up the rock sign and playing his little air drums or twirling his hair or something. It was really just funny. Then we went across the hallway thingy to a non progressing investigator, and the drunk guy started yelling. And I don't really remember what he said but he said like, " Something will always prevail!" and it was really funny. Then we left, I waved bye to him and we went to go unlock our bikes from outside. When we were unlocking he poked his head out around the edge of the balcony and started roaring with the music and pointing at us and throwing up the rock sign again. And then he took out a knife and pretended to slit his throat and then pointed at us. Which was a little unsettling. We had a good laugh and then biked off to our next appointment.
Bit of a weird day, and then we visited this guy that lives with his son and lost his wife some odd years ago. The house is decorated the same, but is covered in dust, poorly lit and has trash everywhere and the guy looked like a mess, he picked up drinking and smoking too. He is a less active, his wife and he are married and sealed in the temple! And so we had a little discussion about eternal marriage and about how it is a privilege, not a guarantee. It was really hard for us not to "jack" him. We say that here and it means pretty much tear them apart with doctrine. And I need to improve in that. So I'm trying to focus on the love I have for people and practice more patience.
Pretty cool huh? :) I hope you have a great week and stay busy and happy. Love you!

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