Hey Mom! This week was fun for me too! Thanksgiving went pretty well, speaking of food! I will for sure miss food from down here though, it is the best food, just sometimes not the healthiest. But anyways, Thanksgiving was really great, we only ate four times, so that's not too bad. I still thought I was gonna die and throw up all over the place but, it was good. We were supposed to have 5 but we forgot to write one down so we didn't go and then the member asked us why we didnt come the other day, oops. They had a few other missionaries go and a ton of family so they weren't like mad at us or anything, we just missed out. One of the people's houses that we went to made us papusas, they were pretty good, I was expecting like turkey and stuff but it was a nice little change. They're like... bread tortillas that you cut open and put cheese and stuff in.. I don't know how to explain it, it's made with like corn flour and stuff though.
My comp got pulled over!!! Hahahhaha it was so funny! We were at the church in the parking lot, we were the only ones there, and it was like 8:30at night or so, and there was this apple we had left in the car for a few days, and it was all bruised and stuff so I took it out and threw it n stuff and Elder Hallsted, while waiting for me was driving around in circles, and he started going faster and faster until he got an aggressive driving from Tiwi and then stopped. I didn't even stop him because I already knew he was going to get caught by tiwi. I got in the car and we started to drive out, but right before he stopped a cop pulled into the parking lot. I started laughing because I already knew what was going to happen, and he drove out into the road hoping nothing would happen, and the cop just followed us and pulled him over on the side of the road, and of course turned on the 1.2 billion lights they have. I was laughing, he was breathing heavy, he didnt get a ticket but it scared him enough I'm sure he'll never do it again, repentance is real. The cop said, you were doing donuts in your own church? And "would your pastor be okay with that?" and then he made him get out of the car for added effect or something and told him, "ok just dont do it again, remember, you're wearing a uniform." Got him!
We had a new investigator family come to church yesterday, a family of 6, 4 of them are baptismal age, their last name is Mendosa. They're super cool and have a great friend in the church, we taught them the Restoration and Book of Mormon on Saturday and they loved it and then came to church Sunday. They have a baptismal date for the 11th of December and are actually married!!!! What!?! Anyways, they're nice and they have two autistic children, one is 14 and the other is 6, so I'm not sure if they're going to want their 14 year old to get baptized or not, we're going to talk about it. The little one cries quite a bit and was uncomfortable, being his 1st time in the church, so it was hard for the parents, but they were super optimistic about it, they just said, yeah it's his first time, he'll get used to it as we come more and more. So they're pretty down. We sat in the hall with them for a little while during third hour and I saw something interesting.
So there was another ward in Sacrament meeting and so a young man came out and sat in the lobby and was on his phone. His dad came out a few minutes later and sat next to him and got super mad at his son and I could just feel the tension between them and the dad had those crazy eyes, you know, when your dad gets super mad and is just biting his tongue and trying not to rip your head off? It made me think of how I would always get so mad and frustrated about things and both of us would just be almost out of our minds angry. And to be on the outside of that was really weird. I thought to myself, what could possibly be happening to make them both this mad? Of course it's never anything big, but it just kind of helped me to realize how unnecessary stuff like that is, and how when I feel like that, I should just take a step back and look at things, because in the end, it probably doesn't even matter.
I am super lame and didn't take any pictures this week, sorry. But thanks for emailing me, glad your Thanksgiving went well, hope you guys stay warm, I know I will! Have a great week! Love you!

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