Its kind of nice with just you two? What are you trying to say mom?! Haha just kidding. Great to hear your painting is getting other eyes. I always pray for you to have revelation in your artwork.
50s and 60s degree weather is nice but you should try coming to Mexico, its like 70-80 degrees every day and today is the only day in like 3 weeks that it has been cloudy. Last night we got a little bit of rain and it was really windy but thats it.
We taught a lesson in TRC, which is when volunteers, usually members, from outside the MTC come and let us practice lessons. My companion and I got to know him a little bit and then we asked what he'd like to learn about. He asked how he could receive more personal revelation. So I read to him Moroni 10:3-5 and taught about the importance of praying sincerely. Then we read Enos 1:4-8 and the end of 15 and taught about specific prayer and faith. We asked if there was anything he'd like us to pray about in our personal prayers and he told us about his son who has left the church and he is worried about. So, I bore my testimony of the truth and power of the Gospel, and to never stop praying and hoping for his son and the spirit was really strong. Both my companion, I and the "investigator" were crying. It built my confidence in my ability to teach and now I know that I can do this.

Oh Elder Myler did sing on Sunday and he was sick and wasn't at his best but it was still really great. A ton of people were giving him props afterwards and this hermana was like "Hey good job, you're just a really good.. you singer!" And it was really awkward and hilarious so now I call him singer. But seriously all the hermanas here are always drooling over mi compañero. I always tease him about it but its all in good fun. I hope you all feel better and have a good week. Love you!
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